HPV: The Silent Intruder is an educational guide written by Siavash Arani, M.D., who has dedicated himself to the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and become an internationally recognized pioneer in the treatment of HPV genital warts. He is a firm believer that patient education is an imperative strategy in battling HPV, and in this book provides information on many aspects of HPV. The virus and how infection occurs, preventive measures, risk factors, genital and anal warts, how diagnosis is made, and the treatments available are all discussed, as well as HPV’s effects on life, including partner risk and dating, related medical conditions, and emotional state. The guide offers information and practical strategies for all readers, with the hope of improving quality of life through prevention and treatment.
HPV, The Silent Intruder (Copyright Protected 2013)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2013934157
Library of Congress US & Publisher Liaison Division Cataloging in Publication Program 101 Independence Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20540-4283

"Dedicated to my hard working mother, who supported me and enlightened my path, teaching me compassion and the ability to think differently, and to my father who encouraged me to become a physician. To my patients who have battled this epidemic infectious disease and allowed me the opportunity to fight with them as their doctor. To the millions of people around the world whom have had their lives impacted and changed by HPV."
“I was always perplexed, during the evaluation and treatment of HPV patients, why we were seeing patients over and over for treatment of the same individual warts. At that point, I realized that the destruction of genital warts was one thing while the prevention of relapses was another. Today, experience is the main contributor to my success of treating tens of thousands of HPV patients to this date. As a patient with genital warts, you must read, get educated, know the pathophysiology of your condition, and always explore your options before wisely choosing the best treatment. I have prepared this book for patients who suffer from this silent intruder as I believe that knowledge is power: power of overcoming this devastating epidemic. This book has been prepared based on my years of experience in treating Genital Anal warts.” S. Arani, M.D. |